Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Kenaikan BBM (B.Inggris)

Tolak Kenaikan BBM!

Tim SIGI Investigasi SCTV
30/03/2012 06:08, Jakarta: Sejumlah mahasiswa yang mencoba bergerak ke Istana dihadang aparat keamanan di daerah Gambir, Jakarta Pusat. Semburan air dari mobil water cannon tak digubris, massa tetap berusaha merangsek sambil melempar batu. Bentrokan pun tak terhindarkan. Keuletan polisi siap diuji, tameng dan senjata disiagakan, rentetan tembakan peringatan hingga gas air mata diletuskan.

Pendemo didesak mundur, gas air mata menahan gerakan pendemo melawan aparat. Polisi pun terus menyerbu. Tak ayal, suasana beranjak emosional, sulit berpikir jernih, polisi sampai salah sasaran. Mereka nyaris baku hantam dengan sejumlah wartawan.

Serombongan pendemo diciduk aparat. Namun, belakangan dengan alasan kemanusiaan mereka dilepas. Tak hanya di Jakarta, unjuk rasa anti kenaikan BBM berlangsung anarkis di Ternate, Maluku Utara. Bandara Baabullah diserbu, fasilitas keselamatan bandara tak luput dari amukan massa.

Aparat yang bertindak sempat tak bisa menahan emosi, bentrokan kedua kubu tak terhindarkan. Bandara Baabulah pun ditutup akibat kerusuhan demo anti kenaikan BBM bersubsidi ini.

Aksi demo menolak kenaikan di BBM di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, juga diwarnai bentrok antara mahasiswa, warga dan polisi. Bentrokan di depan UIN Alauddin Makassar ini diduga memicu kemarahan warga karena mahasiswa berdemo memblokir jalan. Mereka menutup salah satu akses yang menghubungkan Makassar dengan Kabupaten Gowa. Bentrok berlangsung mencekam, karena selain batu dan senjata tajam, senjata api rakitan Papporo juga digunakan.

Demonstrasi di Makassar juga menyasar obyek yang berbeda, pos polisi. Kegeraman pendemo dilampiaskan dengan membumihanguskan pos polisi. Di lain kesempatan, unjuk rasa ratusan mahasiswa Makassar ini malah diwarnai keributan sesama pendemo. Keributan terjadi saat seorang pemuda merekam gambar aktivitas pengunjuk rasa.

Tak terima aksinya diambil gambar, si pemuda yang diduga sang penyusup babak belur diamuk massa. Setiap kenaikan harga BBM selalu diwarnai demonstrasi yang beberapa diantaranya berakhir anarkis.

Unjuk rasa mahasiswa yang berujung bentrok dengan aparat kembali terjadi di Jakarta, Kamis (29/3) malam. Pendemo memblokade Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta Pusat, mahasiswa sebagai bentuk penolakan rencana kenaikan BBM. Pos polisi yang dirusak massa membuat situasi tak terkendali. Serangan batu dan botol pun dibalas tembakan gas air mata aparat.

Suasana tambah mencekam saat kendaraan roda dua milik petugas terbakar di tengah pertikaian. Selanjutnya, mobil Reserse Brimob juga menjadi sasaran pembakaran. Akses keluar dari jalan ini ditutup rapat polisi hingga membuat pendemo yang terjebak bertahan di area kampus.

Suara letusan senjata menyalak kencang berkali kali hingga pasukan bermotor polisi bersenjata yang bersiap mengejar pendemo tak membuat nyali mahasiswa ciut. Bahkan, serangan batu, kayu dan botol menghambat gerak aparat. Polisi terus mendesak mundur kelompok pendemo yang tetap membalas dengan serangan sporadis. Pengejaran pun berlanjut dengan penggeledahan kantor Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jakarta. Sweeping terhadap pendemo dilanjutkan.

Ketegangan yang mencekam juga terjadi di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, semalam. Mahasiswa Univeritas Muhammadiyah atau Unismuh Makassar yang berunjuk rasa terlibat bentrok dengan warga dan polisi. Bentrokan diduga dipicu akibat kekesalan warga dan
polisi atas ulah mahasiswa yang menutup akses jalan hingga merugikan warga khususnya pengguna jalan.

Warga menilai mahasiswa sudah melampaui kodratnya sebagai kaum intelektual muda. Mahasiswa pun berhadapan dengan warga dibantu polisi. Perang batu, bom molotov, busur panah, kayu dan bambu mewarnai insiden tersebut.

 komentar saya  :
BBM have become the staple for the society in their activities life. This is because if BBM rise up, all other needs will come up. Even before the rise of BBM, the prices have gone up. Businessman may be concerned at the increase of BBM become a reality, then for it they do raising prices. People just worry if BBM prices go up, other needs will be difficult to buy it. The production process of making BBM was very complicated, therefore cost for production too large or practically very expensive. These costs include the cost of the technology, the cost of the lives of workers who fought, the cost of time spent most removable beaches, and the managing and controlling of drilling and work tools that are heavy and expensive. But in fact oil refinery across Indonesia many run by foreigners because the technology used to be very sophisticated. While the oil resources in Indonesia is abundant. In the fact if Indonesia can manage this resource with good and right, society welfare will become better than in the past.
The pros, cons and demonstration:
1. Actually it's good also the price of BBM increase, so that pollution is reduced or decrease. The increase in fuel prices would raise the prices of motor vehicles indirectly because both of these goods are goods which are complementary. And when the prices of motor vehicles increase, then there is a tendency of society are reluctant to purchase motor vehicles. And society prefer use his money to invest by saving up and buying an investment.

2. With the increase in BBM, government can better its performance, such as infrastructure development and the well-being of the people. It seems like if the Government is going to BBM up the excess foreign exchange, which will be used to make life small people more better. But the fact that until now the small people is getting smaller. It is because of the many corruption going on in Government.

3. Demo certainly happen, actually demo done to remind government so that they remember of things that may be forgotten. But the demonstrators is sometimes rather carried away the emotions and the anarchist cause in their demo, so there is burning, looting public facilities, etc. Whereas demo with anarchist make country has many disadvantage. A lot of material and live people loss. As a result many people have even died because of this.

4. In my opinion shall not for the purposes of the community is hooked with politics. Because the interests of the community concerned the intention of living crowds.